INS Removal

A tightly controlled process

Pre harvesting


INS removal on our scale is regulated by the  Land Management (Native Vegetation) Code 2018 Division 2 Moderate impact clearing of Invasive Native Scrub  under the Local Land Services Act.  

For us to remove INS the landholder either needs a Property Vegetation Plan under the 2013 legislation or a Code Compliant Certificate under 2018 legislation to remove INS.


Vegetation mapping

With current technology the simplest is we ride around your property in two stages. The first is to get a general overview for the first stage mapping. After we map out where you want INS removed, future fence lines, PVP boundaries etc we then come back and check specific plots to ascertain density and species in greater detail.

This creates our plan  for our INS removal scheduling in the future.

Field ground truthing map


If you have a current PVP you are all set to go, skip this step.

If your PVP is running out or you do not have one then you need to apply for a Code Compliant Certificate, This can almost 'renew' an exiting PVP or you can adjust according to future farm plans you have.

This transition to a CCC can be quite convoluted due to wordings and requirements in the PVP carrying over to a CCC. We are happy to help but it is the Local Lands Services that have the ultimate clarity on this.


Source: A Vegetation Management Plan for Areas Invaded by Native trees and Shrubs in the Cobar Peneplain



We schedule your property according to your INS species, volume and distance from the Cobar Biohub. Sorry if the time frame is not as soon as you would like but margins are tight so must be efficient about out inputs and costs.

You will know many months or even years in advance when we can be on your property to get rid of your INS for you.

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Prior to commencement

Our Harvesting Manager and probably some of the crew,  will come to see you to go over access, roads and tracks, any trailer transfer areas for the road transport, possibly a campsite for the harvesting crews and so on.

They will answer any questions and will set up any special considerations as part of the operating procedures on your property.

Bec Ritchie

Wood Removal

This team comes in with a bulldozer,  excavator,  a loader a prime mover and trailers. They pick out any wood we would rather see get processed in to greater value products, such a specialty timbers instead of chained and chipped. That team leaves your property.


Clearing the INS

Local clearing contractors (who you probably know already) will push out the INS with dozers and chains and push the biomass in to loose windrows.  They then leave you property.

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Biomass Removal

Once the wood is removed we send in a humongous mulcher, excavator and loader and they remove the remaining INS. 
